Canton of Geneva


With 51 out of 100 possible points the canton Geneva is on position 4 in Switzerland in the top group of the cantons, but only in the middle range of the scale. Compared to last year, the score has changed by, 0 points, as a result of which the canton has deteriorated by 2 places.

For the opinion formation dimension (discussing, learning, monitoring), he achieves a score of 67 (+ 5), for the co-creation dimension (consulting, voice opinions), it achieves a score of 52 (-5) and for the decision dimension (identifying and voting) a value of 38 (+/- 0; Please note that there has been a change in the coding scheme for the ’eVoting’ indicator in this dimension, which is why the values stated here for the previous year cannot be compared directly with those of the previous year’s profile).

There are also considerable differences between the individual tools. The range between the lowest and highest value is very high with 55 points.

75 55 70 80 25 50 25 Opinion formation (66.7) Participation (52.5) Decision (37.5) 0 20 40 60 80 100 e-deliberation political e-education e-transparency e-consultation e-demand e-ID e-voting
Canton of AargauCanton of Appenzell InnerrhodenCanton of Appenzell AusserrhodenCanton of BernCanton of Basel-LandschaftCanton of Basel-StadtCanton of FribourgCanton of GenevaCanton of GlarusCanton of GrisonsCanton of JuraCanton of LucerneCanton of NeuchâtelCanton of NidwaldenCanton of ObwaldenCanton of St. GallenCanton of SchaffhausenCanton of SolothurnCanton of SchwyzCanton of ThurgauCanton of TicinoCanton of UriCanton of VaudCanton of ValaisCanton of ZugCanton of Zurich


In the canton, an e-deliberation platform is available on which e-consultation is also carried out. Under each concertation, people have the option to make proposals and leave comments under other people’s proposals. Therefore, 3 points are assigned. ( Therefore, 4 points are assigned. Bonus and Malus: Use: Although deliberation is possible, the tool is rarely used for that purpose and there is currently little interaction on proposals submitted via For this, a -0.2 is applied. ( / For this -0.2 points are assigned. Usability: The platform is combined with other tools (e-consultations). For this a 0.2 is assigned.(NA). For this 0.2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 4 points.

political e-education

In the canton, voters have access to platforms with information about ballots (VoteInfo, smartvote). Therefore, 3 points are assigned. ( / Therefore, 3 points are assigned. Bonus and Malus: Inclusiveness: A “participation” section is available in French, Italian, English, Portuguese and Spanish on the cantonal website. However, only the front page is translated explaining the different citizenship, social, political, cultural, sport, or religious activities residents in the Canton of Geneva can take part. However when you click on the links provided there, information is only in French which leads me to think that it does not really deserve a 0.2 (to be discussed in the data consolidation process). " ( ). For this 0.2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 3.2 points.


The canton provides minutes of the Grand Council sessions as well as governmental reports and important statistics available online as PDF files. There are also important statisitcs available as excel files. Therefore, 3 points are assigned. ( /; Therefore, 4 points are assigned. Bonus and Malus: Usability: NA ( NA ). For this -0.2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 3.8 points.


The canton has its own digital tool for consultations on which deliberations can also take place. Therefore, 4 points are assigned. ( Therefore, 4 points are assigned. Bonus and Malus: Usability: The platform is combined with another tool (e-deliberation). (NA). For this 0.2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 4.2 points.


In the canton, there are non-partisan private online petition platform (open petition, petitionenligne, Therefore, 2 points are assigned. ( / / Therefore, 2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 2 points.


The canton has an e-government portal where you can log in with an email without verifying your identity. However, a verified account is required. Creating a verified account involves sending a registered letter to residents’ official address. They then validate their identity with the code received by registered mail. Since 2021, the State of Geneva also uses the GenèveID as a new means of certified electronic identification but only to access the Electronic Patient File (DEP), however this procedure is disconnected to and operates in parallel with the general e-service procedure. Therefore 3 points are assigned. ( / Therefore, 3 points are assigned. Bonus and Malus: Usability: The login to the tool is intuitive. To verify their identity residents need to use the code received via a registered letter (is that considered physical verification?). For the GenèveID, ID verification can be done directly online via video call= Should it be allocated a 0.2 as no physical move is required to access e-demarch and online verfication is available for Genève ID (to be discussed in the data consolidation process). (NA). For this 0.2 points are assigned. Variety: More than one system is necessary (ex: GeneveID to access Electronic Patient File and e-service procedure for other administrative procedures and identification required for some of them while not for others). (NA). For this -0.2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 3 points.


Although it was the case in the past, there is currently no e-voting tool with individual verification available in the canton. Therefore, 3 points are assigned (50). ( / Therefore, 2 points are assigned.

In total, the canton receives 2 points (There was an adjustment in the coding scheme: As eVoting is now available again prior experiences only result in 2 points instead of 3).

State of the research: July 31, 2023

For assessments of the possible development potential of the canton, please contact us via e-mail or contact form.